Southfield Primary School

Message from Head Boy and Head Girl

At Southfield we are fortunate to have a hard working Head Boy and Head Girl, who applied and attended a rigorous interview to gain this coveted accolade. They work hard and meet regularly with Dr Jones. Supporting them are our Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl. 

This is what our Head Boy wanted you to know about Southfield:

Hello everyone, my name is Reuben and I am the Head Boy at Southfield Primary School.

We have 4 pillars which are the spine of our curriculum at Southfield and I will tell you about 2 of those 4 which make our school so special.

Our first pillar is the story-based curriculum. Everything at Southfield start with a story as we all love to listen to stories, and read stories and there is so much we can learn from the characters which we can use in our own lives. From Reception to Year 6, every year group use stories to spark our imaginations. We learn to love reading and writing, especially in Creative Writing lessons which Milei, the Head Girl, will explain more about below.

We are also very fortunate to have our amazing library which the children visit every week and we also have partner reading, where the older pupils partner with younger pupils and read stories to each other. It is a fantastic way for us pupils to get to know the whole Southfield community. Year 6 are partnered with Reception which is a highlight of the class timetable.

Reception to Year 2 also have Maths Through Story lessons, where the teachers use a story to introduce real-life problems which we can investigate and explore. All of our other curriculum subjects also start with a story to hook us into the unit we are learning about and give us context for our learning.

This links nicely to our second pillar which is knowledge-rich. We all love facts! We love knowing facts, learning new facts and having knowledge on a range of things. Our curriculum gives us a huge amount of knowledge. Reception learning about Kings and Queens which helps them when they learn about James the first in Year 1. Every Geography unit starts with spatial sense which teaches us all the skills we will need to be a Southfield Geographer. The list is endless!

This year we also have a wide variety of lunchtime and after school clubs which children can join from Badminton, Arts and Crafts, Newspaper Club, Science in the Natural World and this year we will even have our own school radio! I will let Milei tell you more about all of the exciting and fun opportunities pupils have to find something they really enjoy and are good at here at Southfield.

Thank you for reading. 

 And this is what our Head Girl wanted you to know about the school:

Hello, and welcome to Southfield Primary School. My name is Milei and I am the Head Girl and I will be telling you a little bit more about our amazing school.

There are 4 pillars of the Southfield curriculum. Reuben has mentioned two of them and I will explain the other two. The first is our Contextualised Curriculum. This is where we try and anchor all of our learning in real life experiences for our pupils such a school visits, workshops and our bespoke Real Life Maths lessons.

Every year, from Reception the whole way up to Year 6, children experience a huge variety of excellent school trips, all related to what we are learning, This provides us with opportunities to learn even more, whilst having fun with our classmates.

Reception will visit the London Transport Museum and London Zoo as part of their themed learning. Every year group will visit several places of interest throughout the school year including art galleries and a variety of places of worship. Some of the highlights of our expeditions are Year 2 visiting the Roman Baths, Year 3 visiting Butser Farm to have a day in the life of an Anglo Saxon, Year 4 head off to Fishbourne Roman Villa, Year 5 visit the Greenwich Royal Observatory and Year 6 take a ferry to Isle of Wight for their annual residential; they also pop by the Houses of Parliament for a workshop and later in the year head off to Bletchley Park to see the offices and machines which helped to end World War II. Personally, my favourite trip so far has been the Royal Observatory in Year 5, when we learned about the constellations and planets in our Science unit on Space.

We also have many themed weeks across the year where we celebrate Diversity, Charities, Shakespeare, Classics (Latin and Greek) and this year we will be adding a Philosophy week. This also ties into our fourth pillar – Personal Growth. This is our most important pillar as it is about how we grow as whole people, not just academically at Southfield. Our TRUE values and our motto Ex Corde Vita, Out of the heart springs life, are alive throughout the school in how we treat each other and how we support each other. Creative Writing is a very special lesson we all love where we read a picture book with a key theme or moral message and then we write our own stories based on those themes. These lessons allow us to focus on ourselves and our lives and how we can continue to grow as people.

Thank you for reading.