Southfield Primary School


Southfield’s Governing Body is responsible, together with the Headteacher, for the overall running of the school. Governors work as a team and aim to play our part in helping to make Southfield a happy and stimulating school for your child.

Southfield School has eight Governors, made up of elected parents, elected teachers, representatives of the Ealing local education authority and Co-opted Governors. Each Governor’s term of office lasts four years.

The Governing Body meets at least once a term and deals with a wide range of issues concerning the school. It has two sub-committees – the Teaching and Learning Committee which covers the curriculum, and the Resources Committee which is responsible for management, finance, appointments and the School building.  These Committees consider issues in more detail and report to the full Governing Body. As Governors, our main responsibilities are to:

  • oversee the school’s budget. This is allocated each year by the local education authority. The Governing Body, in consultation with the Headteacher, decides how that money is spent;
  • decide on staffing levels and oversee staff appointments;
  • monitor the School Development Plan. This is a short, medium and long-term plan for the school covering the curriculum and its development, financial management and premises;
  • maintain links with Ealing local authority from which the school receives support and advice on financial, personnel, premises and curriculum matters. 

Governors' Meeting Attendance 2024-25

Governors' Meeting Attendance 2023-24


Register of Business Interests March 2024-March 25

Register of Business Interests 2023-24


Mr Rob Huxford - Chair of Governors (Co-Opted)
Dr Darren Jones - Headteacher (Staff Governor)
Mr Nick Barrett - Vice Chair of Governors (Co-Opted)
Ms Emma Sharpe - Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee/SEND Link Governor (Co-Opted)
Mr Jim Hubbard - Vice Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee (Co-Opted)
Mr Anthony Korn - Chair of Resources Committee (Local Authority)
Mr Matt Charles - Safeguarding Link Governor (Parent Governor)
Ms Lauren Joseph - Resources Committee (Parent Governor) 
Mr Sam Parsons - Teaching and Learning Committee (Staff Governor)


Governors' Committees & Terms of Office