Story-Based Curriculum
"To read is to think about meaning to write is to make thinking visible as language. To do both is to become both the teller and the told in the dialogue of the imagination." Margaret Meek
Our English curriculum is deeply centred upon the power of story to foster imagination and capture experience and understanding of the world. We are indeed story beings and talk in narrative to explain and make sense of the world and experiences. We aim to inspire our pupils with a love for story and to develop their own narrative voice. Story as a way of thinking and making meaning of the world is prioritised.
The development of nuanced writing styles from engagement with a myriad of children’s literature is fostered and encouraged. The development of word consciousness of 50,000 words by the end of year 6 is developed through all subjects exploiting words and phrases and incorporating them into the writing repertoire to facilitate self -expression and imagination. Our bespoke creative writing lessons allow children to engage with multi-layered picture books from Year 1-6 exploring themes and vicariously engaging with characters
As Frank Field commented ‘children learn to write by writing’ and all children develop significant stamina in writing extended pieces throughout English, creative writing and topic lessons.