Contextualised Curriculum
Our vision is deeply centred upon the individual child at Southfield and we strive to provide an exciting and stimulating curriculum punctuated by high standards and creativity. Rich curricula activities form part of our core curriculum whereby pupils contextualise their learning through educational and residential visits and many school visitors. Placing learning in context both enriches and enthuses children to understand why and what they are learning. As John Keats states ‘Nothing is real until it has been experienced’.
Developing children’s interests and talents and equipping them with strong literate and mathematical skills is a core aim. We use high quality picture fiction and novels from a range of authors to foster a strong individual narrative sense, whereby children engage with the world of literature and imagination and grapple with issues and themes. Producing stunning writing, regularly enabling children to write at length using a rich range of vocabulary and ideas and creative imagination. Providing children with a stimulating and balanced curriculum is key and through integrating history and geography topics into English and Mathematics sessions, children can learn and discover about the world. Music and the performing arts is richly encouraged in the school and a school choir along with amazing drama performances are an important part of our offer. The international dimension to our curriculum equips children with cultural understanding and knowledge. As part of this, all children in Key Stage 2 learn Spanish with additional opportunities to learn Latin and Ancient Greek. Children are provided with the skills to appreciate and respect a diversity of cultures and to celebrate this through art, music and languages. Healthy living and PE is enhanced by our specialist PE teacher and through Healthy School’s Week, sports days and PE lessons we provide children with the core understanding of mens sana in corpore sano. Opportunities to develop computing skills to equip them for modern life enhances the curriculum and we aim for our children to become proficient users of technology.