6 Puccini
Mr Parsons is the teacher in 6 Puccini.
Michaelmas 2 2024-2025
This half term Year 6 have had a bumper packed 8 weeks. We learned all about how pollution and climate change are affecting Chiswick in Geography. Our science topic, this half term, was classification where we explored how plants and animals are classified using Linneaus’ binomial system of classification. In History this half term, we have been learning all about The Suffragettes and the important role they played in shaping life as we know it today. To contextualize our learning, we visited the Royal Courts of Justice and took part in a workshop all about the Suffragettes and Emmeline Pankhurst’s fight for women’s suffrage. The children asked some great questions, and they received superb feedback on their knowledge and understanding. We have written extensively about this and more in our English lessons this half term. In Maths, Year 6 have been working hard to master the four operations.
We had our first ever Southfield Horticulturist week this half term, where Year 6 studied badgers and learn all about the their life cycles, diets and habitats. The children visited the British Wildlife Centre where they took part in a guided tour allowing them to broaden their knowledge about many different species of British wildlife, as well as deepening their understanding of badgers.
Year 6 also took part in their end of year World War I play ‘Christmas in 1914’ which was a resounding success. All the children immersed themselves in what life would have been like back in 1914 during the war at Christmas time. It was great practice for our end of year show in July! Additionally, the children took on their annual role as Christmas Elves in this year’s bazaar where they escorted all our younger pupils around the sale and a great time was had by all.
Michaelmas 1 2024-2025
Year 6 have had a jam-packed start to the Autumn term. The majority of the children started the year with the hotly-anticipated trip to the Isle of Wight for our annual residential. They climbed Jacob’s ladder, zip lined across the park and swung over the horizon on the Giant Swing. All in all a brilliant week was had. We dove straight into our novel ‘The Other Side of Truth’ which tells the story of two Nigerian refugee children, stranded in London after the death of their mother. The children were immersed in the novel and love reading it everyday and the outcomes which were produced were superb. Our Diversity celebrations focused on those who have disabilities and we studied and learned about Helen Keller. The children read all about Helen’s life and her message that despite life’s obstacles we can always reach our goals and that the best thing in life are felt with the heart. We also started our foundation curriculum with a journey back to 1914 to World War I. This is always a much loved History unit and this year is no different. The children will be busy over the holidays creating masterpieces for their exhibition next half term to show all their parents what they have been studying. We also managed to squeeze in a trip to the Houses of Parliament which was definitely another highlight of this half term. The children ventured into the House of Lords and as it was Prime Minister’s Questions on the day of our visit, the building was teeming with MPs and news reporters. We also took part in a workshop learning all about how laws are made and who is involved. This year’s Charities Week took place recently with our chosen charity for this year being Age UK. A key aspect of our Personal Growth pillar at Southfield is supporting the community and the vulnerable of society and Age UK was the perfect charity to develop this aspect of us as local, national and global citizens
We read a beautiful picture book called ‘My Nana’s Garden’ in Creative Writing and we looked at the economic impact of retirement and standards of living on the elderly in Real Life Maths. The week culminated in our charity sale where we made bracelets for the elderly members of our families to show how much we love and care for them whilst also raising money and awareness for those who may not have the same love and support. We have loved this half term and can’t wait to see what next half term brings!
Summer 2 2023-2024
Year 6’s final term at Southfield Primary School has been phenomenal. In English we continued with our novel of the Giant’s Necklace, learning how to write an obituary. The whole school took part in classics week and in Year 6, we studied the story of ‘Atlas’ and created some incredible exemplars. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Titanomachy between the Titans and the Olympians. We also received the results for the Key Stage 2 SATs that the children sat at the end of Summer 1 and we could not be more pleased or proud of their results. However, the highlight of this term was Year 6’s performance of ‘The Jungle Book’. The children portrayed their characters excellently, staying in character even when off stage, and their singing was exceptional. Staff, other pupils and parents were absolutely blown away by the breath-taking performance. They should feel extremely proud of themselves – just as we are! The term culminated in the Leavers assembly and Snake Run, which saw a fair few tears as we said goodbye to one another. Year 6, you will be missed! Good luck in Year 7!
Summer 1 2023-2024
Year 6 had a fantastic start to the Summer Term this year. We started the term off with reading a brilliant short novel called the Giant’s Necklace and produced some spectacular diary entries from Chery’s perspective. We then spent the next two weeks immersing ourselves in Shakespeare’s tragic love story ‘Romeo and Juliet’. The play laid the foundation for some phenomenal monologues from Romeo’s perspective and some sensational summaries of the play. This led to a magical week of poetry where we explored the Lady of Shalott by Lord Alfred Tennyson, where we annotated and analysed the magically poetic tale of Sir Lancelot and the Lady of Shalott. We then had the Year 6 SATs which the children have worked extremely hard towards and gave one hundred percent effort too and we could not be prouder of them. All the children arrived early for their breakfast, which created a special atmosphere for everyone involved. We followed our SATs week up with our action-packed Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit which included workshops to take part in capoeira, samurai swords, African drumming and learn about the History of the Olympic Games before taking part in our own Olympic parade, showing off all the knowledge we gained about our given Olympic country. Promoting a healthy mind was explored through meditation and yoga throughout the week, setting positive targets and lifestyle goals to aim for.
Spring 2 2023-2024
Having finished our class novel, Goodnight Mister Tom, in which we focussed on fictional texts in our writing, we spent the second half of spring term, focusing on non-fiction genres. Our writing linked directly to our knowledge based curriculum supported by topics in Geography, History or Science. We continued to have our bi-weekly Creative Writing sessions where we contextualised the picture books by choosing those with themes which we discussed during lessons. In Maths, we continued to cover shape, area and perimeter, statistics, more advanced multiplication and division work and fractions and decimals and percentages. We also began to look over algebra. Again, our bi-weekly Real Life Maths lessons continued and links were made between our topic and weekly Maths lessons. In Geography our focus has been on South America. Students gained knowledge about the past civilisations and empires of the continent. They also described physical geography, including the Andes Mountains and the Atacama Desert as well as human geography such as agriculture and industry in Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. Year 6 also had their Geography exhibition to showcase all the children’s hard work this that they have done in their geography lessons. The children’s artwork, fact files, projects, and models were used to create spectacular South American display. Our topic for History covered “World War II” leading on from their previous topic from Spring 1 – ‘The Rise and Fall of Hitler’. This topic included the Battle of Britain and The Blitz from a military context and the role of empire. In our previous topic, students learnt about soldiers experiences in the trenches and the general public’s role in WWI – in this topic students focused more so on the role of intelligence and code-breaking in winning the war. Pupils also learned about the global significance of the Holocaust and were introduced to the concept of ‘genocide’. They developed a sense of what life was like for the Jewish people during this time. We also visited the Churchill War Rooms and Bletchley Park to contextualise and enrich the unit further. In Science, we learned all about Light: how light travels, how the eye sees light, experimenting with shadows, the colour of light and the children even built their own periscopes.
Spring 1 2023-2024
Year 6 have had fantastic start to Spring Term! This term, Year 6 have been using their class novel Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian as their stimulus for writing. The novel explores the story of a young, abused boy, who is relocated to the countryside to the care of an elderly recluse, Mr. Tom, in the wake of World War 2. This linked wonderfully with their prior learning in History of World War 1 and The Rise and fall of Hitler. The children have produced excellent work across a whole host of fiction genre styles, including a narrative with speech, a diary entry, poetry and an informal letter. In Maths, the children have deepened their understanding of the four operations and solved problems using BIDMAS and long division. They have begun exploring the relationship between fractions and division, equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting them. They have also had to explain their reasoning and provide evidence to support their understanding. Our Geography topic (North America) has seen the children applying their prior learning from previous years by analysing maps and diagrams to learn about the continent in its entirety, focussing on biomes and countries in North America, as well as the rivers and cities. They have used their knowledge to create some brilliant leaflets and brochures about the continent. This half term’s Science topic of Electricity has seen the children participating in experiments by constructing circuits and learning about the different components that make them work. They also planned an investigation with circuits, making predictions and using symbols to draw diagrams of their experiments. Finally, they used all their knowledge to design and make a simple electrically powered car. In History, we have been exploring “The Rise and Fall of Hitler” leading on from our previous topic from Autumn 1 - The Great War. This topic focused on Hitler’s rise to power, inevitably leading to WWII and Hitler’s demise. The content followed the events of the Armistice and Treaty of Versailles, the rise of the Nazi Party, life in Nazi Germany, Kristallnacht and the outbreak of the Second World War. We contextualised our learning in History this term with a workshop, where the children built their own Anderson shelters out of wooden sticks, and a trip to The National Army Museum, where they toured the galleries and participated in a workshop about the Blitz to prepare them for next half term when we will be studying WW2! We also took part in our second international week where we learned all about education across the globe and how different it is for children. It has opened our eyes allowing us to see just how lucky we are to be able to access such a high-quality education here at Southfield.
Autumn 2 2023-2024
This half term Year 6 have had a bumper packed 7 weeks. We learned all about how pollution and climate change are affecting Chiswick in Geography. Our science topic, this half term, was classification where we explored how plants and animals are classified using Linnaeus’ binomial system of classification. In History this half term, we have been learning all about The Suffragettes and the important role they played in shaping life as we know it today. To contextualize our learning, we visited the Royal Courts of Justice and took part in a workshop all about the Suffragettes and Emmeline Pankhurst’s’ fight for women’s suffrage. The children asked some great questions, and they received superb feedback on their knowledge and understanding. We have written extensively about this and more in our English lessons this half term. In math, Year 6 have been working hard to master the four operations.
We had our first ever International Week this half term, where Year 6 had the opportunity to partner up with a school in Spain and learn all about their way of life and culture. The children were able to speak to other Year 6 children through a voice call and find out all about how they live their lives. The children also took part in a cultural dress up day and had the opportunity to try traditional Spanish foods.
Year 6 also took on their annual role as Christmas Elves in this year’s bazaar. They escorted all our younger pupils around the sale and a great time was had by all. We ended the term with our World War I play ‘Christmas in 1914’ which was a resounding success. All the children embodied what life would be like back in 1914 during the war, at Christmas time. It was great practice for our end of year show in July!
Autumn 1 2023-2024
Year 6 have had fantastic start to their final year of primary school! They travelled to the Isle of Wight to experience PGL. Children participated in a plethora of adventurous activities including rock climbing, archery, a giant swing, abseiling, and aero ball. Alongside all these exciting activities, the children learned how to become more independent and created lasting memories with their friends around them. As well as these activities, Year 6 have been working extremely hard in school. The have been using their class novel The Other Side of Truth by Beverly Naidoo as their stimulus for writing. Seen through the eyes of Sade, the novel explores what it means to be classified as ‘illegal’ and the difficulties that come with being a refugee. The children have produced excellent work across a whole host of fiction genre styles, including a narrative, a narrative centred around speech, and a newspaper report. In Maths, the children have deepened their understanding of place value. They have had to explain their reasoning and provide evidence to support their understanding. Our Geography topic Spatial Sense has seen the children applying their prior learning from previous years by analysing maps and diagrams to investigate the location of places in the world and why the climate differs using lines of longitude and latitude to locate positioning. This half term’s Science topic of The Human Body has seen the children learning all about the circulatory and respiratory systems. They have delved into the heart and now have better knowledge of the role this muscle plays in pumping oxygenated blood to vital organs and around the body. They also completed an experiment where they had to measure their pulse rates before, during and after an activity to see the changes and recorded their findings. In History, we have been exploring the consequences of World War I in Britain and the wider world. They have learned about the political reasons that lead to the outbreak of WWI, the Treaty of Versailles, and the experiences of people on the home front, including the important roles women and children played. This tied in wonderfully with our charities week as our chosen charity was Help For Heroes. The children absolutely loved learning about the wonderful work the charity does and produced some beautiful paintings depicting war. The children immersed themselves in our design and technology week, building on their sewing skills to upcycle old T-shirts, giving them a new lease of life. Our final trip this half term was to the deign museum, where children were able to experience how the world around is constantly changing through innovative ideas and inventions.
Summer 2 2022-2023
Year 6’s final term at Southfield Primary School has been phenomenal. Healthy Lifestyle’s Week was action-packed with activities and workshops like acrobatics, cricket, tai chi, capoeira and samurai sword practice. Mental health and wellbeing was explored through meditation and yoga, setting positive lifestyle targets. The week concluded with a carnival and creative presentations, showcasing the classes’ teamwork and creativity. Forest School was thoroughly enjoyed by the children, with them consolidating previously learned skills and applying these in new contexts. We also recived the results for the Key Stage 2 SATs that the children sat at the end of Summer 1 and we could not be more pleased or proud of their results – these are the best we have ever had!
However, the highlight of this term was Year 6’s performance of ‘Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat’. The children portrayed their characters excellently, staying in character even when off stage, and their singing was exceptional. Staff, other pupils and parents were absolutely blown away by the breath-taking performance. They should feel extremely proud of themselves – just as we are! The term culminated in the Leaver’s assembly and Snake run, which saw a fair few tears as we said goodbye to one another. Year 6, you will be missed! Good luck in Year 7!
Summer 1 2022-2023
Year 6 have had a fantastic start to the Summer Term this year. We started the term with our whole school Shakespeare Week and the children produced some phenomenal pieces of writing based on Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. We then had the Year 6 SATs which the children gave one hundred percent effort too and we couldn't be more proud of them. All the children were in early for breakfast and it really was a very special time for us all. We followed that up with Coronation Week and Year 6 kicked off the festivities with the first party of the week. We also had a workshop related to King Charles and his ascension to the throne. We continued with our Knowledge Based Curriculum and the children completed superb work on The Cold War and Africa, both of which are well-beyond the KS2 National Curriculum requirements and are preparing the children so well for the transition to high school shortly. Below is a selection of the activities we have participated in and outcomes the children have produced over the past six weeks.
Spring 2 2022-2023
Having finished our class novel, Goodnight Mister Tom, in which we focussed on fictional texts in our writing, we spent the second half of spring term, focusing on non-fiction genres. Our writing linked directly to our knowledge based curriculum supported by topics in Geography, History or Science. We continued to have our bi-weekly Creative Writing sessions where we contextualised the picture books by choosing those with themes which we discussed during lessons. In Maths, we continued to cover shape, area and perimeter, statistics, more advanced multiplication and division work and fractions and decimals and percentages. We also began to look over algebra. Again, our bi-weekly Real Life Maths lessons continued and links were made between our topic and weekly Maths lessons. In Geography our focus has been on South America. Students gained knowledge about the past civilisations and empires of the continent. They also described physical geography, including the Andes Mountains and the Atacama Desert as well as human geography such as agriculture and industry in Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. Our topic for History covered “World War II” leading on from their previous topic from Spring 1 – ‘The Rise and Fall of Hitler’. This topic included the Battle of Britain and The Blitz from a military context and the role of empire. In our previous topic, students learnt about soldiers experiences in the trenches and the general public’s role in WWI – in this topic students focused more so on the role of intelligence and code-breaking in winning the war. Pupils also learned about the global significance of the Holocaust and were introduced to the concept of ‘genocide’. They developed a sense of what life was like for the Jewish people during this time. We also visited the Imperial War Museum and Bletchley Park to contextualise and enrich the unit further. In Science, we learned all about Light: how light travels, how the eye sees light, experimenting with shadows, the colour of light and the children even built their own periscopes. We contextualised our learning with a trip to the Science Museum, where the pupils were also able to conduct experiments themselves in the Wonderlab!
Spring 1 2022-2023
Year 6 have had fantastic start to Spring Term! This term, Year 6 have been using their class novel Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian as their stimulus for writing. The novel explores the story of a young, abused boy, who is relocated to the countryside to the care of an elderly recluse, Mr. Tom, in the wake of World War 2. This linked wonderfully with their prior learning in History of World War 1 and The Rise of Hitler. The children have produced excellent work across a whole host of fiction genre styles, including a narrative with speech, a diary entry, poetry and an informal letter. In Maths, the children have deepened their understanding of the four operations and solved problems using BIDMAS and long division. They have begun exploring the relationship between fractions and division, equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting them. They have also had to explain their reasoning and provide evidence to support their understanding. Our Geography topic North America has seen the children applying their prior learning from previous years by analysing maps and diagrams to learn about the continent in its entirety, focussing on biomes and countries in North America, as well as the rivers and cities. They drew on their knowledge from the last half term to compare the UK and the region of North America.
This half term’s Science topic of Electricity has seen the children participating in experiments by constructing circuits and learning about the different components that make them work. They also planned an investigation with circuits, making predictions and using symbols to draw diagrams of their experiments. Finally they used all of their knowledge to design and make a simple toy. In History, we have been exploring “The Rise and Fall of Hitler” leading on from our previous topic from Autumn 1 - The Great War. This topic focused on Hitler’s rise to power, inevitably leading to WWII and Hitler’s demise. The content followed the events of the Armistice and Treaty of Versailles, the rise of the Nazi Party, life in Nazi Germany, Kristallnacht and the outbreak of the Second World War. We contextualised our learning in History this term with a trip to The National Army Museum, where they toured the galleries and participated in a workshop!
Autumn 2 2022-2023
This half term Year 6 have had a bumper packed 7 weeks. We learned all about how pollution and climate change is affecting Chiswick in Geography and how plants are classified using Linneaus’ binomial system of classification. We have written extensively about these and more in English and we have completed lots of Maths visited the National Gallery and we were taken on a tour of some of the galleries most famous paintings which was great fun. The children asked some great questions and they received superb feedback on their knowledge and understanding of art and expression. We also visited the Royal Courts of Justice and took part in a workshop all about the Suffragettes and Emmeline Pankhurst’s’ fight for women’s suffrage, which we have been studying in History this half term. Year 6 also took on their annual role as Christmas Elves in this year’s bazaar. They escorted all our younger pupils around the sale and a great time was had by all. We ended the term with our World War II play ‘Bombs and Blackberries’ which was a resounding success. It was great practice for our end of year show in July!
Autumn 1 2022-2023
Year 6 have had fantastic start to their final year of primary school! This term, Year 6 have been using their class novel The Other Side of Truth by Beverly Naidoo as their stimulus for writing. Seen through the eyes of Sade, the novel explores what it means to be classified as ‘illegal’ and the difficulties that come with being a refugee. The children have produced excellent work across a whole host of fiction genre styles, including a narrative with speech, a diary entry, poetry and a newspaper report.
In Maths, the children have deepened their understanding of place value and solved problems using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They have had to explain their reasoning and provide evidence to support their understanding.
Our Geography topic Spatial Sense has seen the children applying their prior learning from previous years by analysing maps and diagrams to investigate the location of places in the world and why the climate differs using lines of longitude and latitude to locate positioning.
This half term’s Science topic of The Human Body has seen the children learning all about the circulatory and respiratory systems. They have delved into the heart and now have better knowledge of the role this muscle plays in pumping oxygenated blood to vital organs and around the body. They also completed an experiment where they had to measure their pulse rates before, during and after an activity to see the changes and recorded their findings.
In History, we have been exploring the consequences of World War I in Britain and the wider world. They have learned about the political reasons that lead to the outbreak of WWI, the Treaty of Versailles and the experiences of people on the home front, including the important roles women and children played. This tied in wonderfully with our charities week as our chosen charity was Help For Heroes. The children absolutely loved learning about the wonderful work the charity does and produced some beautiful paintings depicting war.
Summer 2 2021-2022
Year 6 have had a massive end to their amazing final year of primary school. This term has been action packed full of trips, extra-curricular activities and of course the much anticipated production.
This term, Year 6 participated in Forest School which they absolutely loved. They enjoyed learning how to make fire using flint and constructing shelters under the watchful eye of the amazing staff at Forest School and parent helpers. They learnt how to make some humbling tea from nature and used tools to whittle, paint and sculpt things out of wood.
LEGOLAND was truly the highlight of the term which would not have been possible without our wonderful parent helpers. The day trip was a huge success with pupils participating in a STEM workshop. In the workshop we learnt about forces and gravity and how they impact the rollercoaster at LEGOLAND. Pupils discussed the science behind how it worked with the very knowledgeable leader and then had a chance to use Lego to make simulations of the real life rollercoaster.
To finish off the school year, Year 6 became emotional during their leavers assembly in which they were each greeted by Dr Jones on stage and presented with their Year Book. Pupils were entertained by a slide show which showed photos throughout their time at Southfield Primary School – it was a very moving ceremony. To top it all off, the children were greeted at the bottom of the stairs with the traditional snake formed by all other classes!
Possibly one of the most anticipated events at Southfield Primary School is the Year 6 Production. Year 6 have been working hard on the production of Oliver! A great amount of work and use of drama techniques saw the production make a huge success of which all pupils and teachers involved in the process can be proud of.
We could not have asked for a more amazing cohort of students – their commitment, resilience, dedication and humour is a credit to them.
Summer 1 2021-2022
Year 6 have had a bumper start to the summer term. We had our SATs tests at the beginning of term and we couldn’t be prouder of the children and how they performed. Dr Jones and Ms Mc Greal provided breakfast each morning so the children started the day well and we are sure they all their hard work over the past months have really paid off. Well done to everyone!
We had a great talk from Transport For London which discussed being safe on public transport and supported the children with their transition to high school and making those journeys alone. 6 Vivaldi started their swimming lessons each Tuesday and we also decided on the school production for this year which will be Oliver! We will be in touch with parents about the final date for the school shortly.
The Year 6 Enterprise Team also opened their school shop Bits & Bobs which has been a resounding success. We are very grateful for all the support from our school community so thank you. The shop will continue to run fortnightly until the end of term.
We have been studying our final novel this year The Giant’s Necklace by Michael Murpurgo. It tells the tale of Cherry, an adventurous and inquisitive young girl, whose curiosity gets the better of her and it leads to a tragic ending. We have also begun studying The Cold War in History and read Flight for Freedom as out inspiration – a tale of an East German family who build a hot-air balloon to try to escape across the city walls.
Spring 2 2021-2022
Pupils excitedly entered the second half of the term eager for the Reading Festival week to commence, thinking of their costumes based on books they’d read weeks prior to the day. During this week, students enthusiastically participated in workshops including an interactive session with Christian Foley. After this, pupils were visited by none other than Jeremy Strong who graciously spoke about his experience becoming an author and his successes since beginning this journey. They absolutely loved participating in question time at the end of the talk. The highlight came at the end of the week with both classes dressing up as their favourite book characters – seeing their teachers dressed as their favourite book characters as well was a real treat.
It wasn’t long before the excitement continued as Science Week drew closer. Year 6 could hardly contain their excitement when they found out they would have the chance to enter “The Dome” to learn about outer space. Our experts were so knowledgeable and the learning pupils received from this workshop was invaluable. The students themselves answered some pretty challenging questions with a knowledge that shocked even the leaders of this activity. Activities for the week included recording the growth of spring onions over a two week period, calculating the age of a shark based on its length and observing the behaviour of light by creating periscopes!
This term, topics continued with a focus on WWII in History, learning all about the human and physical features of South America in Geography and investigating all things to do with ‘Light’ in Science.
Spring 2 2021 - 22
This half term Year 6 have been busy contextualising their learning from in class by exploring, investigating and reporting on their learning outcomes. This term has been jam packed full of exciting things – most notable the trips that we have been on earlier in the term. We went all the way to the Imperial War Museum to gain real life insight into the relics of WWI and WWII to coincide with our History topics from the year so far. We loved all of the exhibitions and were able to make links between our tasks, stories and knowledge. We then embarked on a trip to the Science museum to learn all about Electricity, Once we fully explored this exhibition, we enjoyed looking at the other displays before heading back to school. Our third trip for the half term was to the National Army Museum where we looked at the history of how the British military has evolved over time and participated in a workshop to learn more about The Blitz. We were able to make links between these facts and our class novel from Autumn 1 ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’. Here at school, we have been lucky enough to be visited again by Constable McGuiggan who returned for her second Police Workshop this year to discuss the difference between legal and illegal drugs. In English we have been immersed in our class novel for Spring 1 ‘The Other Side of Truth’ and have produced high quality fiction texts based on the characters experiences and the themes of the story.
Autumn 2 2021-22
This half term we have been writing all about our foundation subject studies in English. We have written biographies about Emmeline Pankhurst, information texts about animals in The Great War and a balanced discussion on the fight for women’s suffrage. This coincided with our Suffragettes History Day which was a fantastic way to contextualize and give meaning to our learning. In Science, we have looked at classification and taxonomy and learned about Carolus Linneaus, the father of the two-part naming system which is still used today. Some of our cohort were involved in the Remembrance Day assembly which was a beautifully poignant commemoration. In Geography we have been studying the British Isles, including air pollution and climate change in our local regions. In RE we have been learning the significance of the Chrsitianity and how different denominations show their adoration for God and in PSHE we have had talks from the MET police about keeping safe. We got to dress up as elves for the Christmas Bazaar and take the younger years shopping which was enormous fun and finally, we also performed our winter World War II production of Julia Donaldson’s Bombs and Blackberries for our parents and carers. We also managed to get two workshops in the Houses of Parliament in December which was incredibly lucky - what a jam packed half term!
Autumn 1 2021-22
This half term, Year 6 have been studying our class novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ which is set during World War Two. We have acted as evacuees in drama lessons and written many pieces from our main character, Willie’s, perspective.
In History, we have covered World War One, how it began, life in the tranches and its consequences. We have written diary entries from the perspective of a soldier in the tranches and really enveloped ourselves into life during war times.
In Geography we studied map skills and all about longitude and latitude and in Science we have studied The Circulatory System and even experimented with increasing our heart rates.
We learned all about Humanism and what being a Humanist means in RE and in PSHE we studied all about how to keep ourselves healthy.
In Creative Writing we have linked our picture books to World War Two and our class novel and this has also been a main theme in our Real Life Maths lessons where we have completed lessons on rationing.
Below are links to our Welcome meeting and current curriculum overviews.
Michaelmas 1 Curriculum Overview